Monday, March 16, 2009

Raising the Flag

A week ago we were asked by our neighbors, the Floyds, if we wanted to participate in raising back up the American Flag, located on the butte behind our house appropriately named Liberty Butte. (For those of you who live here or have visited us here, this is the butte that also has the "face" in it.)

Lots of neighbors, mostly farmers who farm the ground all-surrounding our home, showed up. The cable had snapped, so the pole needed to be taken down and strung with a new cable. Afterwards, the Floyds invited us to lunch at the local pizza joint and we had a very nice time there with them. I had to take a photo of the menu board at the Pizza Spot because I have never been to a restaurant where they were advertising straw bales. Funny. Only in Idaho?!

Especially of note - we took photos and had photos taken of us and our home/property in the background. A unique perspective of where we are.


NattaScatta said...

i love how you are all bundled up with a hat and gloves, coat, etc and M#3 is in a t-shirt! he's so hot-blooded!!! :)

Emily said...

Very cool pictures & great story!

R said...
