Thursday, February 12, 2009

A nice surprise & other stuff.

We've been having some internet problems lately. The connection kept cutting in and out (timing out) all day and night long. After a few weeks of troubleshooting and purchasing new equipment, the problem persisted. Yesterday I gave in, and agreed to a service call, fearing the worst (having to pay for the call b/c it was a problem on my end). A nice surprise for me, though. It was their equipment. Their server, their tower or whatever it was. So after a replacement antenna, new junction box, increased up/download speeds, and everything directed to a new tower, things seem to be humming along. Oh, and I get to take back the equipment I purchased since it wasn't necesary to replace, so that's good.

Can't be denied - we are all so dependant on our internet connection, aren't we? From keeping in touch with family to schoolwork online, it has become a very important element of our day to day lives.

So, I don't have an excuse to blog now, do I?

Tonight is band rehearsal for Friday's gig at Dry Creek Mercantile Pop on over tomorrow between 6-8 if you have time, we'd love to see you there. If we can twist someone's arm into taping some stuff, we'll post some new videos.

Busy day ahead. I've GOT to make some soap, do some laundry, check on Zena (due any day now?). Oh - and I've decided to go ahead and register with a temp agency, in an effort to start working somewhere, to bring in some well-needed funds. I'll go do that next Tuesday. I've temped in the past and always done well easing in and out of places of business. I'll let you know how that goes.

Boring post, sorry! Ya'll have a good day now.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Great news! And now you can blog more easily... :-)