Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quite a Lot for a 9-year-old

So #3 child has been through quite a lot lately. Back in September he was helping his Dad put up a fence and he put a wire into his arm (yes, it was as bad as that sounds).

1) 7 stitches, right arm. 2) Almost all healed up.

Then, on Monday, what he considered his pig (because he named her), Cindy, was sold (pregnant) to a man that wants to raise pigs for his family. This was a good alternative to selling her at the auction, where she would have just been sold as a market hog. This way she gets to keep on living (as long as she behaves!). So that was a sad day.

But it got even sadder as that night his beloved kitty, Shy Shadow (also named by him) was hit by a car and killed. Quick story about Shadow. Every morning as M would go out to the bus stop, he would call Shadow and she would answer by name. She'd come running, and M would pat his chest and she would scurry up his legs and into his arms. This cat and our son were very bonded. So, to help heal his broken heart, the next morning Rhett and I drove over to our neighbor's house and picked up a surprise new kitty for him. (Thanks, Mel !!) He was thrilled. He named her "Curious Calico" and he is calling her "Cali." He LITERALLY has not put her down since we put her in his arms. He is in love.

1) Shadow w/ her litter 2006. 2) New kitty "Cali"


Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so glad to hear he has taken to "Cali!" and Thank YOU!

Okay i just had to stop and totally getair guitar & belt "closer to fine!" I havent heard tat in forever!

have a great day!

Anonymous said...

i had a little typing error. Sorry

Emily said...

Oh, please tell M that we are sorry about Shy Shadow. Especially Caroline is sad.

But glad to hear about Cali.